Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hey you, don't you love animals?

 As much as I love poptropica, I love animals, but lots of animals are either endangered, dying, or abused.

This, the cute Barking treefrog, endangered. I mean, look at this cute creature, playing with it was so much fun. the little cutie has huge eyes and lumpy though cute bumpy skin. 

Take a look at all these endagered animals, look how CUTE they are, the tree kangaroo, the red panda, the itty bitty turtle, the cartoony-looking amphibian, snow lepoard, and the famous cute giant panda. 
When I was small, I ask my moms what happens to animals that don't get adopted? she sadly said, "They go back to where they were, up there in heaven." And some of the animals in the pictures aren't even even endangered, like the cat and the dog. But these animals are often abused. Take a look at the dog, all you can see is ribs and bones, no meat.... at all.

Please, save the animals. Treat them well, they haven't done anything wrong. If you can, please adopt. If you cannot, spread the word. The world will surely be a better place, animal or human, we are all God's creations.
Please help... one step at a time. It will make a big difference <3

Monday, June 11, 2012

Potropolis Games

Potropolis Game demo, and me, white Horse will experience the fury!! And, if you want to play this, be in team Pathfinders!! that's my team! :D
Yes, i'm wearing blue and orange because its the color of my awesome team ;) and of course I will kick butt in this!!
So first I was like... PATH FINDERS will win! but then again... they say that each team has some really competitive, awesome people!! 
I had faith in my self, so I told this guy I was ready and I was ready to head over to the coliseum to begin the games!!!!
Exciting? yes, scary? yes... nervous? TRIPLE YES! So I walked in to find a great big cloud of fans shoving each other, clapping, cheering and most of all yelling.

I was the representative :( sometimes, courage can lead you to a path of BIG trouble. but if you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
So these were instructions on how to play shot-put. I thought I would be 1st...

4TH!!! OUTRAGEOUS, TERRIBLE!! I was so frustrated I let my OWN team down :( huft.

I was upset the whole day... BUT if you win or get the reward for the Poptropolis Games, YOU can be the hero of the month!! Win for Pathfinders!! or win for Flying Squid, Seraphim, Yellow Jackets,Nanobots, Night Crawlers, Black Flags OR wildfire!! If you completed this island, send me a picture of you winning, message me and I'll have your picture as hero of the month!

Another Major Makeover with... HAPPY LEAF!

not gonna lie, she has a nice tan. BUT the fact that she's a teenager, small pig tails are so out. and we are willing to fix her tooth just before prom.

Welcoming miss Stella, our makeup artist. She has contracts to cover girl, vogue and more. she's also done lots of makeup for artists for the red carpet, or for their music video shoot. She's got 3 s' which is sass, style, and smarts

Too cool for school ;) although... this is her casual school outfit. We dyed her hair a natural dirt brown color + highlights, cotton candy flavored lip gloss, a pastel t-shirt, a white cut-off vest, polka-dot belt and her skin-tight jeans to finish the teenage dream look :D

yes, she does soccer. Although her eyes are closed here, you guys can see her natural beauty and her FIXED teeth!! She's great at balancing balls. her hair is in braids AND we convinced her coach to get brand new soccer outfits, thanks to us... she got brand new PURPLE star ones!!

Her best friend and her soccer teammate celebrate her on graduating in "Bjorn's burger Joint". She flat ironed her bangs,wore some red berry lip stain, she flanged out her hair. and she wore the robe ;)

Her lovely first date look, or hanging out with friends look. A cute denim vest. a green bow dress, some waves, natural red lip stain, mascara, and we flat ironed half of her bangs, the rest we spoofed it out.

Yup, a beautiful prom look. An award winning smile, dream bouncy blush, mascara, side fringe, scrunched up up do, golden heart crown, golden earrings, and her dream dress...  a purple chiffon dress that drapes down a gold studded belt to complete this $1,500 dress to remember

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Who's The Date?

This is Mighty Seal, standing tall and handsome, he is single and ready to be taken!! So he went to us and we created a new game... "Who's The Date". Where we set him up with girls he might want to check out!!

This girl right there should have been named DESPERATE!! Says Mighty Seal. She tried to be attractive by wearing a ton of makeup!! She used really thick mascara, red lipstick, and tanned herself like a ganguro. She looked creepy... thats not the girl im looking for... sorry (?)

Okay.. I'm not trying to be "Paranoid and stuff" but she told me to put my hands up, she took out her pepper spray and told me "YOU HAVE STUDS ON YOUR JEANS!! BACK OFF!" I gasped as I sprinted out from her... yeesh!!

She was just a bit boring for me... she didn't seem happy at all and all she talked about was her dead turtle "Batinsky" and how she loved her turtle so much that she made a coin purse out of the turtle shell. I was a bit creeped out so I went away.

Yeah... so she's a robot.

PERFECT! She's sassy though sweet but she knows how to fight, she has a black belt and she learned how to do the Salsa, so we salsa-ed the night away!! :D It was awfully terribly fun :3

Hey Lovelies <3 okay, so i'm sure everyone is aware TWISTED THICKET is available to everyone in Poptropica... Look at me, I look happy and everything seems so, quiet and calm.

So I wanted to greet the citizens of this village, but they were unhappy, sad terrified. They looked so terrified and I knew what I should do... I asked a villager.

"woman on the right is me, woman on the left is the villager named "BUSY LIGHTING"

I wondered why she was panicking, she told me to leave as soon as I can because she was going to leave too, I peeked at her shop, "The Fjordings" it had piles of boxes, she planned to move. I asked another citizen.

I gasped at this, a goblin?! How can this possibly be? Well... If you want to find out more, play "Twisted Thicket" on poptropica, save these citizens now!! AND plus ++++ if you message me or comment on this post saying that you already won this game, I can do a new post about you!! The new hero of twisted thicket :D So play now if you want to be featured as "Hero of the Twisted Thicket"

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Hey everyone, I know we are all very excited to day of the new launching MAJOR MAKEOVER! let's see her picture!

Look at these people crying and whining because their forced to see her ugly, old, grumpy face! sad thing is... she's an ARTIST! artist are suppose to put the art in artist, she doesn't exactly look like art! :(  We can fix that with the help of our fashion and makeup designer, Stella!!

Isn't she lovely? With golden studs, 6 inch heels, plum lipstick and a zebra coat, she owns FASHION!! she's dipped in gold and can always blow anyone away with her silky beautiful hair!!

Woaah!! Look at that! doesn't she look lovely? This is her casual look, she's wearing blue hoops, a white cut-off denim jacket, a blue draped tank top, a golden belt and a cute mini skirt!! Stella put some baby pig pink lip gloss on her lip, and she also dyed her hair to an appropriate color for her skin <3

Since she's an artist, i thought  fun lively colors would look spunky and fun on her, such as this!! She's wearing a beautiful orange dress with a green tank under it, a pink fat belt, and some purple tulle fabric for extra SASS! She also has her hair skidding on her right side, it's really shiny! and we also paired it up with cute pink glasses and teal earrings!! Stella put extra mascara, some blush and "Sparkling Coast" lip gloss !! :3

 Her little fun work outfit, wearing pop teal pants, some professional purple glasses, a striped yellow and pink "candy tank top" underneath the nice classy business woman coat!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hello Everyone! long time no see, let's check on updates...

Well hey everyone, I hope your all excited, because we're going to Polly's world tonitee!! we have Polly with us... looking as fun as usual <3 i had an awesome interview with Polly :3

picture of polly shown above

isn't she lovely? Now let's see the interview pics and stuff shall we? And btw,  today was the THE BEST DAY EVER!!! <3 

me and polly talking

Isn't polly a sweetheart? She invited me to surf, so I did after this interview...

Me: OMG it's actually you! your lovely and spunky and-

Polly: Fun? Hehe thanks, My manager told me a girl was gonna interview me, but i never knew you would look this gorgeous and young!

Me: Omg, thanks!! But before i literally die cause ur face is too beautiful, let me ask you some questions first! Who is your bestest friend from the Polly Crew?

Polly: I love them all, but I knew Lea since I was in kindergarten... She was always fun and mischievous, yet loved by everyone.

Me: Awesome! So... everyone wants to know this question, do you have a crush on someone? 

Polly: Well... no *blushes*

Me: ooh, i guess it's personal? hihi, okay, one last question, who's ur fav surfer?

Polly: YOU!! you kicked some butt today babe! haha

I had SO much fun, and i did get to surf!!

I had so much fun surfing!! Look at me jump, it was hard at first but i did kick some butt!!!

I actually won, i made it!! So Polly gave me some awesome prizes, the Polly Pocket cute bathing suite from her new line, complete with surfing board, and POLLY POWER! the power to make someone have a good day!